Christian Ethics is a study that answers the question, “What does the whole Bible teach us about which acts, attitudes and personal character traits receive God’s approval, and which do not?” (Wayne Grudem). And if ever there was a day when Christians needed some clear and robust biblical answers to the issues swirling around us, then it is surely these days in which we live.
God’s word teaches us how to live as God desires. Christian ethics is the application of the gospel in our ongoing lives. In each moment we have a choice to live for God or for self and show our love for God and others by our words, attitudes and actions. We are daily exposed to many competing ideas and value-systems, and when unsure of our foundation can be tempted to embrace the morality of the gods of this age. God’s word and His character are timeless and unchanging and provide a sufficient and reliable foundation on which to address the issues we face and fulfil our responsibility as light and salt of the world.
This module, taught over ten two-hour sessions, will examine a number of contemporary moral and ethical issues on the basis of the solid biblical foundation, enabling participants to critically analyse and evaluate different ethical views, to consider ethical issues which may arise in church and para-church ministries and to formulate appropriate responses. The course will be taught over zoom so, wherever you are in the world, you can access it and take part.
There are two ways to get involved:
- You can audit the course – simply taking part, enjoying the teaching and online fellowship, and benefitting from lots of notes and materials
- you can submit assessments – completing an assignment for marking and gaining EBC study credits
If you have any questions or want more information, please email
You can download a Module Description: here
Dates and Details:
(Wednesday mornings from 11.00 – 1.00pm on zoom)
September 27th God’s law – the timeless standard for ethical dilemmas
October 4th Ethical implications of alternative worldviews
October 11th Freedom of expression in an age of social connectivity
October 18th The deconstruction of marriage and the family
October 25th Finding our true identity in an age of gender confusion
November 1st No class
November 8th Lost generations – the consequences of liberal abortion
November 15th What is a ‘good death’ – sacred and secular responses
November 22nd Biotechnology and genetic manipulation
November 29th ‘Code red for humanity’ – exploring environmental ethics
December 6th Learning contentment in a materialistic world
Cost and Registration:
The cost for the course is £150 (auditing) or £200 (assessments) and registration and pre-payment are necessary. You can register here.
Course Tutor:
Dr Adele Pilkington is a Consultant Occupational Physician who has worked across the UK, including mission and humanitarian aid organisations. For 17 years she was Executive Editor of the remote learning MSc programme for Occupational Medicine at Manchester University. Her part-time theology studies reflected mission interest and research into mental health and Christian identity. She is a voluntary drugs educator for Hope UK and pro-life groups, part of the PRIME tutor network, anti-trafficking groups and a Board of Reference member for the Scottish Council of Human Bioethics.