Expository Preaching (Homiletics)

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Announcements, News, Preaching | 0 comments

In this 20 week course which runs fortnightly through the College year, EBC’s Principal, Pastor John Brand, will guide you through the process of preparing to preach or teach a message based on a passage of Scripture. John has been preaching for 50 years and for about half of that time has also been involved in training preachers in UK, Sudan, South Sudan and Poland.  He can’t make anyone a preacher, but with God’s help he make you a better preacher and further develop a gift that God has given you.

The course will run on Tuesday evenings between 7 and 9pm over zoom, and as well as interactive classroom sessions there will be opportunities for one to one mentoring by John.

The course starts on Tuesday 1st October 2024 and specific dates for the whole course will be provided.

The cost for the course is £400 and fees must be paid at least one term in advance. Registration is essential and can be done here.

If you have any questions or want more information, please email info@edinburghbiblecollege.co.uk


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