Biblical Interpretation is the discipline of HERMENEUTICS which has been defined as ”…finding the meaning of an author’s words and phrases, and of explaining it to others; exegesis; particularly applied to the interpretation of the Scriptures.” (Websters Dictionary)
Hermeneutics is both a science and an art. It is a science because there are rules that must be applied and it is an art in that the skill and gifting of the interpreter is necessary for the correct application of the rules.
This course is designed to give the student the necessary skills to correctly apply hermeneutical principles to Scripture, both in their own reading of the text and also in their preparation for any ministry.
As a result of the student’s successful participation in this Module, s/he will:
- know and be familiar with the disciplines for correctly interpreting any passage or genre of Scripture
- recognise and avoid the wrong ways to handle Scripture
- develop a love of the text and the truth of the text in its context
- be able to correctly apply the correct hermeneutical principles to any passage or genre of Scripture
- Duvall, J Scott & Hays, J Daniel Grasping God’s Word Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2012
- Berkhof, L Principles of Biblical Interpretation London: Evangelical Press, 1950
- Henrichsen, W A Layman’s Guide to Interpreting the Bible Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1976
- Kaiser, W C and Silva, M Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974
- Mayhue, R How to Interpret the Bible for Yourself Fearn: Christian Focus, 1997
- Beynon, N and Sach, A Dig Deeper Leicester: IVP, 2010
Reading Assignment
- Students will be required to read certain sections of the required text book
Written Exercises
- There will be a number of exercises to be completed during this module at different stages. (Total Worth = 30%)
- At the end of the module, students are required to do a lengthy exegetical study on a Scriptural passage using the correct hermeneutical principles. (Total Worth = 70%)