EBC is governed by and accountable to local churches through our Board of Directors which is made up of leaders of evangelical churches and others with necessary gifts and experience. We are grateful to each of them for giving of their time and expertise to the work. We are delighted to welcome to the Board, Mark Forshaw.

Now living in Pennsylvania USA, Mark is originally from Liverpool, England and for most of his career has worked globally in Christian mission and community non-profits in four continents. This includes service with United Bible Societies, Africa Inland Mission, the World Health Organization and Tearfund UK. He has published on the subject of Christian responses to community health and social challenges and has spoken on these issues at the WHO, the White House and at a U.S. Congressional Staff Briefing. He was also Adjunct Professor at Cairn University in non-profit effectiveness.
Working internationally as a consultant to Christian missions, Mark seeks to use his training in management and experience in government health care, international development and industry, to bring the best of organizational effectiveness practices to Non-Profits and Christian ministry to increase the effectiveness and impact of those on the front line of programs and also fundraising.
A significant benefit of his global travel was marrying Susan, who is Australian, and they have two children, Eleanor (21) born in London and Thomas (18) born in France. Mark seeks to watch live football, rugby or cricket games in whatever country he gets to!