Introduction to New Testament Greek

If you are serious about studying the Bible in any depth and reading commentaries, we believe you really should get at least the basics of the New Testament Greek alphabet and the way the language works.

If you are a teacher or preacher, it is essential to have at least a reading knowledge of the language, so that you can follow the text even if you need to look at a translation or dictionary from time to time. This will help you to understand both the text itself and some of the more complex areas of interpretation.

This module is a 9 week course which provides a basic introduction to the original language of the New Testament, starting with the basics of alphabet recognition and pronunciation, and working through some introductory grammar and vocabulary.  It is designed to enable reading and understanding of a selection of simple passages from the New Testament and is taught in a very inspirational and interactive way which makes it accessible to absolutely anybody.

The course starts on Wednesday 5th October 2022 and runs from 11.00am – 1.00pm each Wednesday during College term time. Specific dates will be provided.

This class is taught in person at the College’s base in Broxburn, West Lothian, and is best taught face to face rather than virtually. However, if you are keen to participate but can’t attend physically, please contact us and we’ll see if we can accommodate you in some way.

The cost is:

  • £180 (18 hours @ £10 per hour)

Please note that fees must be paid in advance. Registration is essential and can be done here.

You can download a Module Description here

If you have any questions or want more information, please email

Course Tutor: Mrs Lynn Cooke BA (Hons), PGCE, MDiv

Profile photo of Lynn Cooke

Lynn is from Northern Ireland, where she came to Christ as a young child in Sunday School. She studied English and Spanish at Queens University Belfast and then completed a P.G.C.E. before teaching primary school in the inner city. Having always had a love of language and a growing desire to study theology, she had the opportunity in 1993 to go to Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia, where she graduated with a Master of Divinity in 1996. These years were a wonderful blessing, where one of many high points was the opportunity to focus on the biblical languages. Since then she has worked as theological editor at Rutherford House in Edinburgh, and latterly as a freelance copy-editor for various Christian publishers.

Lynn is married to Mal who is Welsh, and they worship at Christ Church Edinburgh. Together they lead a weekly adult fellowship group, and Lynn leads a ladies’ Bible study.