The Most Important Subject We Teach At EBC

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Announcements | 0 comments

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones once wrote:

There is no doubt but that 99% of our troubles as Christians is that we are ignorant of God.  We spend so much time feeling our own pulse, taking our own spiritual temperature, considering our moods, our states, and fears.   Oh, if we had but had some conception of Him, the inconceivable glory of God.

We couldn’t agree more and so our study in ‘Theology Proper’ – The Doctrine of God – is one of the keystones of our curriculum.

Join us on 10 Tuesday afternoons, from 2–4, through the autumn for a mind-stirring, heart-warming, soul-nourishing study of the biblical teaching on the doctrine of God, focussing on his being, attributes and the Trinity. We’ll seek to answer the question posed by another great preacher and Bible teacher:

Who is God?  Who is this One who reveals himself in Scripture, in the person of Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit?

James Montgomery Boice

There are two ways to get involved:

  • You can audit the course – simply taking part, enjoying the teaching and online fellowship, and benefitting from lots of notes and materials
  • you can submit assessments – completing an assignment for marking and gaining EBC study credits

Please note that fees must be paid at least one term in advance. Registration is essential and can be done here.

You can download a Module Description: here

If you have any questions or want more information, please email

Course Tutor:

John Brand was born to missionary parents in India and trusted Christ for salvation while at boarding school there at the age of 11.  He later trained at the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow, and then, for 12 years, pastored two independent evangelical churches, one in the inner city of London and then one in Liverpool, during some of which time he also served on the UK Council of Africa Inland Mission International (AIM). In 1993 he took on the role of AIM’s Director for Scotland, becoming Director for UK and Europe in 1999. During his 8 years in this position he exercised a Bible teaching ministry throughout UK and Europe and made regular visits to many of AIM’s fields of service in Africa where he was involved in ministering to missionaries and nationals. After some years on the staff of The Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh, John, in partnership with several church leaders, established Edinburgh Bible College. Married to Caroline and with two grown up sons and two grand-daughters, John contributes book reviews and articles to Christian publications, and is author of three books – A Concise Chronology of the Bible, The Bible as it Happened and Mission Matters, which has also been published in Romanian. John recently stood down as Pastor of Grace Community Church in Broxburn and in the little spare time he has he enjoys reading, walking and family history research.


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