Why would I choose EBC over the other options that are available in the UK?
It’s a fair question and one we believe we have an answer for!
Edinburgh Bible College is founded on, and driven by, some core values and distinctives- we describe them as our BIG 7:
A training that produces men and women who are steeped in the Scriptures and whose lives are shaped by their teaching
A training that is accountable to, and in partnership with, local churches
A training that doesn’t just impart head knowledge, but equips believers to become actively involved in Gospel work
A training that results in growth in spiritual maturity and Christ-likeness, with an emphasis on spiritual disciplines
A training that is aimed at getting God’s people out into a dying world to reach men and women with the good news of Christ
A training that is accessible to as many people as possible by providing full or part time, on-line or modular study courses
A training for which the only entrance requirements for full-time study are a clear and credible Christian testimony and the commendation of the local church
Edinburgh Bible College is governed, managed and supported by local churches across the evangelical spectrum.
- every member of staff, full or part time, is committed to the historic truths of the reformed, evangelical faith
- every member of staff, full or part time, models a passion for God, for His Word and for His world
- every member of staff, full or part time, models what they teach and mentors those they teach
- students are taught by local Pastors and church leaders
- the home churches of the students are in a partnership with the College
- students are intentionally mentored with a view to seeing Christ formed in them through the instruction of the Scriptures
- students are equipped for evangelism, pastoral ministry, cross cultural service and for effective, appropriate engagement with their own culture
- students have opportunities to develop and exercise their God-given gifts and talents through placements in local churches and evangelistic activities