Flexible Training

EBC is committed to a training that is suited to as many people as possible; e.g. ‘full-time’, part-time, on-line or modular

Icon for an EBC Distinctive: Flexible trainingIn the words of an old advert, we like to call EBC your flexible friend!

When I attended Bible College more than 30 years ago there was only one way you could get that training: you went full-time over a 3 year period and did the course as it was offered to you, with one or two built-in options, and that was it. Take it or leave it.

But life is not like that any more and people have got used to accessing learning and training in a variety of ways, and why shouldn’t they. Not everyone can afford the luxury of two or three years of full-time training with all the costs involved in that – although we do provide that.

An increasing number of students want to train at the same time as gaining experience through working with their home church and, in many ways, that’s perhaps the best model of training possible. Well, we can and do provide that. We can provide you with one, two or three days a week of more formal classroom learning to go alongside the practical involvement in the church.

Some people need to keep a part-time job going to help cover their costs and there’s something to be said for such an approach; keeping touch with the ‘real world’ as it were and not becoming cocooned in the sheltered bubble of a Bible College.

At EBC, in addition to the full-time course, everything we teach is available on a part-time basis – so you could come for one day a week or even do just one module at a time. Almost everything we teach is also available online so you can pursue a training course from the comfort and convenience of your own home. That may be a help to would-be students who are outside the EU and so prevented from coming here for training by the current restrictions on students imposed by the UK Government.

In fact, we are so flexible, that if you just want to come and learn and are not interested in taking any exams or doing any assignments that is just fine by us.

I ought to stress that there is one area in which we are completely and unashamedly inflexible. We don’t give an inch when it comes to the ultimate authority, inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture and we can guarantee you that all the teaching we provide will be on that basis.