by John Brand | Dec 5, 2024 | Announcements, News, Virtual Classrooms
We’re into the final stretch of the what has been a very encouraging autumn term with a record number of new students studying with us, both by eLearning and also through involvement in our virtual classes held over zoom. Now we are releasing details of the...
by John Brand | Apr 11, 2024 | Announcements, News, Virtual Classrooms
Most Christians are probably familiar with John’s Gospel and his Revelation but probably less so with his three letters which come almost at the end of our New Testament. Yet these three short letters have so much with which to instruct and guide us today. Each...
by John Brand | Feb 29, 2024 | Announcements, News, Virtual Classrooms
Over 10 Monday evenings between Easter and Summer we’ll work our way from Matthew to Revelation – book by book – becoming familiar with the structure and theme of each book, and seeing how it contributes to the storyline of the Bible as a whole. The class will be...
by John Brand | Nov 30, 2023 | Announcements, Virtual Classrooms
Join us on 10 Wednesday mornings, from 9.30-10.30, starting on January 10th, as we explore the most famous sermon ever preached. It is still as relevant and applicable as ever it was and this would be a great Bible study opportunity. Warren Wiersbe says of the sermon...
by John Brand | Nov 16, 2023 | Announcements, Virtual Classrooms
Several folk have been eagerly awaiting details of the virtual classes we will be running in the New Year – well here they are. We have had a great autumn term, but are looking forward to welcoming new and continuing students to the range of subjects we will be...
by John Brand | Mar 14, 2023 | Announcements, Virtual Classrooms
This is a subject that is almost uniquely close to the heart of God and therefore should be close to our hearts as well. Given how important the Church is to God we will not be surprised to discover that he has a great deal to say about the Church in the...