Diploma in Applied Theology

This is our core course, structured around four disciplines, all of which are vital for an effective equipping and preparation for ministry.


The Scriptures – the inspired and inerrant Word of God – are at the very heart of everything we believe, teach and practice. A large proportion of the course consists in studying the Bible, both at an overview level – stressing its unity and discovering its dominant theme – and also at the detailed level as we study individual books and passages.


All Christians need to clearly grasp what they believe and why they believe it. Over the course students will engage with all the major doctrines of the Christian faith and consider something of the historical development of those truths as well as some of the ongoing debates about them.


In this part of the course students will study a range of subjects that demonstrate the practical application of biblical truth; subjects like church history, missions, preaching, and ethics. Equally importantly, a strong emphasis of the course is on the personal application of biblical truth that is designed to transform the believer into the likeness of the Saviour. Be prepared to spend quality time in prayer and worship, memorising Scripture and being challenged about your spiritual life and growth.


The usual cost for this course, which requires 240 study credits, is £8,000. (Full details of tuition fees here)
