Bible Overview: Old Testament

BT71201 40 Units 12 Study Credits £120

Becoming familiar with the whole Bible appears a rather daunting task, but this course is designed to help you make all the relevant connections and discover the big, redemptive, storyline.   It provides an overview of the whole Bible, looking at the dominant motif, the setting and environment out of which it came, and the contribution each book of the Bible makes to the whole. This provides the big picture backdrop against which and within which the individual component parts of the Bible will be studied for their specific theological emphases and transferable application.  In this first part of the course we will be focussing on the Old Testament.


As a result of the student’s successful completion of this module, s/he will:


  • know, understand and be able to explain the central message of the Bible and understand each book of the Bible in its theological, chronological and geo-political context


  • have a deep appreciation of and love for the unity and relevance of the Bible


  • be able to correctly outline each book communicate and apply the message of these parts of the Bible



  • Brand, J D  A Concise Chronology of the Bible  Edinburgh: Edinburgh Bible College, 2014       
  • Goldsworthy, G     The Goldsworthy Trilogy     London, Paternoster, 2001


  • Roberts, V     God’s Big Picture     Illinois: IVP, 2009


  • Crossley, G     The Old Testament Explained and Applied    Welwyn: Evangelical Press, 2006
  • Hendriksen, W     Survey of the Bible     Welwyn: Evangelical Press, 1976
  • Hill, A E & Walton J H     A Survey of the Old Testament    Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009
  • Lasor, W S, Hubbard,  D A & Bush, F W     Old Testament Survey    Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982
  • Murray, D     Jesus on Every Page     Nashville: Nelson, 2013  


There are two assignments for this module, each worth 50% of the total mark

1.    Based on your reading of either Goldsworthy’s or Roberts’ book, write a reflective essay of 1000 words in which you discuss the following four points:

  • the main argument of the book
  • reasons why you agree or disagree with the main argument
  • at least two differences it makes to our interpretation of the Bible when we view the whole Bible as Scripture
  • a question or a problem that you have with the book

1.    Write a 2,000 summary of the narrative of the Old Testament.   Your summary should include the following names, places and dates – listed here in no particular order

  • Shinar
  • Haran
  • Cyrus
  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Darius
  • Josiah
  • 2417 BC
  • 1876 BC
  • 1446 BC
  • 931 BC
  • 722 BC
  • 586 BC
  • 538 BC