The Bible without Genesis would be, in the words of one writer, “like a building without a ground floor or a bridge with no support.” Genesis is, in some ways, the most important book ever written and without it so much of the rest of the Bible would be unintelligible. Here we have an indispensable introduction to the Bible as a whole and some foundation stones of truth are clearly laid down. That’s why it is so important to study these opening chapters and grasp something of their enormous significance.
Why not join this Tuesday morning study module – held on zoom – starting on January 14th and running from 9.30 – 10.30am. Your lecturer will be EBC’s Principal, Pastor John Brand.
You can simply audit the course and benefit from the teaching and fellowship, or complete an assignment with a view to gaining some study credits. Full study notes and recordings are included in the price, which is £100, but only £70 for the auditing option.
Registration is essential and can be done here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.