This module introduces the student to Matthew, Mark and Luke, both as individual books with their own distinctive agendas, structures and themes, and also as a synoptic record of the life and ministry of Christ as distinct from the fourth gospel. It address the issue of the supposed ‘synoptic problem’ and gives reasons why we can have confidence in the reliability of the gospel accounts.
Taught by EBC’s Principal, Rev John Brand, the course will run over 10 Wednesday afternoons, from 2.00 – 4.00pm, starting on January 10th, and since they are held over zoom you don’t even need to leave home!
There are two ways to get involved:
- You can audit the course – simply taking part, enjoying the teaching and online fellowship, and benefitting from lots of notes and materials; cost £150
- you can submit assessments – completing an assignment for marking and gaining EBC study credits; cost £200
Please note that fees must be paid in advance. Registration is essential and can be done here.
You can download a Module Description: here
If you have any questions or want more information, please email