
Is there a more important book in the Bible? Get to grips with the glorious truths of the great and glorious gospel of justification by faith.


“Romans is Paul’s fullest, grandest, most comprehensive statement of the gospel.  Its compressed declarations of vast truths are like coiled springs – once loosed, they leap through mind and heart to fill one’s horizon and shape one’s life…From the vantage point given by Romans, the whole landscape of the Bible is open to view, and the relation of the parts to the whole becomes plain.  The study of Romans is vitally necessary for the spiritual health and insight of the Christian.” (The Reformation Study Bible)


This module is intended to open up one of the most important individual books of the Bible to the student, showing how it brings together so many of the Bible’s greatest themes, and to do so in a way that will increase the student’s knowledge and appreciation of biblical truth and further equip them in their understanding and effective communication of the good news of the gospel.

As a result of the student’s successful completion of this module, s/he will:


  • know the overall structure and message of the book of Romans and be familiar with its important doctrinal themes


  • feel their heart strangely warmed as they more deeply appreciate the immeasurable dimensions of grace and the momentous truth of justification by faith
  • have an increased confidence in the power of the gospel for the salvation of all who believe


  • be able to explain the major arguments and teachings of Romans       


Recommended Commentaries

  • Ash, C. Teaching Romans (2 Vols)  London: Proclamation Trust, 2009
  • Hendriksen, W     Romans     Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1980
  • MacArthur, J     Romans (2 vols)     Chicago: Moody Press, 1994
  • Moo, DJ       Encountering Romans  Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002, 2014
  • Morris, L     The Epistle to the Romans     Leicester: IVP, 1988                       
  • Murray, J     The Epistle to the Romans     Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968
  • Olyott, S     The Gospel as it Really Is     Darlington: Evangelical Press, 1979


Students are required to submit an assignment on TWO of the following topics, each assignment should be 750 words

  1. Drawing on our studies in the opening chapters of Romans, answer the question: What is wrong with man?  Your answer should explain both the cause and effects of the problem and should give clear, biblical supporting evidence.
  2. Detail and explain the main components of the gospel, as taught in Romans, with reference to Paul’s arguments and reasoning.
  3. In Romans Ch 3v21-25 Paul includes the themes of justification, redemption and   propitiation in his portrayal of Christ’s saving work. Can you explain each theme briefly, and discuss how they work together to give us the gospel?
  4. With reference to Romans Ch 6, summarise Paul’s thoughts on the believer’s Union with Christ, then discuss how he applies it to our Christian walk.