This is a subject that is almost uniquely close to the heart of God and therefore should be close to our hearts as well. Given how important the Church is to God we will not be surprised to discover that he has a great deal to say about the Church in the Scriptures. The individual believer and the local congregation of believers that wants to grow in Christ-likeness and spiritual maturity will be the believer and congregation that brings themselves under the authoritative teaching of God’s Word and seeks to live in as close conformity to it as possible.
This course, taught by EBC’s Director of Training, Pastor John Brand, will explore the biblical teaching on the doctrine of the Church, focussing on the nature, identity and purpose of the Church, and giving consideration to what the Scriptures say about its leaders, members, sacraments and worship.
Classes are held over zoom, making them accessible to ANYONE, wherever they live. They start on Thursday 20th April and run over 9 Thursday mornings between 11.00am and 1.00pm.
The cost is just £150 (auditing) or £200 (study credits), and you can register for this course here.
You can download a Module Description here.