Route 66

Route 66

Route 66: Bible Overview

We’re into the New Testament in this year-long series, but you are welcome to join us. We’ll be revisiting the Old Testament in the autumn if you want to cover that at a later date Over 10 Tuesday evenings between Easter and Summer we’ll work our way from Matthew to Revelation – book by book – becoming familiar with the structure and theme of each book, and seeing how it contributes to the storyline of the Bible as a whole. …

Route 66: Bible Overview

There’s still time to join others who have already signed up for our new evening class series which starts at 7.00pm on Monday 26th September. Over 30 Monday evenings between now and next summer we’ll work our way through the whole Bible – book by book – becoming familiar with the structure and theme of each book of the Bible, and seeing how it contributes to the storyline of the Bible as a whole. ANYONE is more than welcome to…

Evening Classes on Zoom

Two weeks today our new autumn series of evening classes on zoom starts and we hope you are going to join us. Over the next nine months, week by week and book by book we will travel Route 66, working our way right through the Bible, studying each individual book as well as setting it in its wider biblical context. This would be a great way to get a good handle on your Bible in a way you may never…