Looking for Bible Training?

Looking for Bible Training?

Are you looking for some solid, inspirational and practical Bible Training? Are you looking for training that will not just inform but transform you? At EBC we are passionate about working together with local churches to see God’s people equipped for...
EBC Preachers’ Club

EBC Preachers’ Club

At the heart of EBC’s vision and passion has always been the training and equipping of faithful, effective and passionate Bible preachers and teachers. EBC trained pastors and preachers are now active in ministry in USA, N Ireland, England, Scotland, Poland,...
God, The First Evangelist

God, The First Evangelist

Next Wednesday, May 1st, as we continue our special online course on Evangelism, Evangelist Glen Scrivener will be tackling the topic of God, The First Evangelist. An Australian by birth, Glen is an ordained Church of England minister and evangelist who creatively...
One-to-One Evangelism

One-to-One Evangelism

Next Wednesday, April 24th, in the second of our special online course on Evangelism, John MacKinnon will be tackling the issue of One-to-One Evangelism. John is on the pastoral team at Calderwood Baptist Church in East Kilbride, and is Director of Evangelism at The...